Waniphok (วณิพก – « Le ménestrel ») est la chanson titre de l’album « Wanipok » qui raconte l’histoire d’un musicien de rue aveugle.
Cette chanson du groupe Carabao est devenu un hit majeur.
Carabao : Wanipok
Cette chanson a un style bien particulier, une sorte de mélange de rythmes folkloriques du Nord-Est thaïlandais comme le « Mor Lam » et le « Luk Thung » avec les rythmes latino-américains.
Les futures albums du groupe auront de nombreuses chansons faites dans ce style.
Aed a noté avec fierté qu’avant Waniphok les discothèques en Thaïlande ne passaient que des chansons occidentales, mais le rythmes accrocheurs de Waniphok a réussi à briser cette barrière.
Traduction de la chanson Wanipok de Carabao
mêua duang dtaa kŏngg chăn man mêut mít
At that time, my eyes went dark
dtàe chee-wít chăn yang mâi mêut long
However my life was not yet descended into darkness
máe kwaam rák yang koie mee mân kon
Even if the love that I used to have secure
jà ráang glai mâi hŭan glàp keun ma
would desert me, never to return.
òk yaak bpai bon taang têe hĭw soh
I go on with difficulty on a hungry path
mí róo keun róo wan way-laa
Not knowing the passage of time
kŏr sàyt ngern sàyt taan pôo pàan maa
I beg for spare change, beg for scraps of food from passersby
piang mâyt-dtaa chăn bâang … bpen kráng kraao
Just spare some kindness for me? . . . Now and then.
yòo nai lôhk kwaam mêut an léuk láp
Living in the world of darkness, a secretive place
kong sà-dàp ráp dâai dtàe săm-niang
You may listen and take in only sounds/intonation
jà mong hăa mong hĕn gôr bpen piang
Would look to find or see something and be only
nai kwaam făn yaam chăn lóm dtua non
in a dream. I lay down and slept
por dtèun maa paan póp gàp kwaam măai …..
As soon as I wake, I meet with a purpose . . .
yang hăai jai néua dtua yang pàao rón
I still have breath, my body is still hot
yang mee wăng hĕn duang dtà-wan ron
Still have hope I will see the blazing sun
jà mua non nîng chŏie … yòo tam-mai
Why should I be sound asleep, quiet, all the time?
jeung maa bpen ….. wá-ní-pók pá-nay-jon
Therefore I came to be a wandering beggar,
tîeow rây rôn ….. róng playng lâek sàyt ngern
Traveling around . . . singing songs for bits of money
têe lĕua gin lĕua gèp bpen sùan gern
What’s leftover from eating, I keep as a surplus
jà nam ngern sà-sŏm .. rák-săa duang dtaa
I’ll use the savings to treat my eyes
jeung maa bpen ….. wá-ní-pók pá-nay-jon
So I came to be . . . a wandering beggar
tîeow rây rôn ….. róng playng lâek sàyt ngern
Traveling around . . . singing songs for scraps of money
têe lĕua gin lĕua gèp bpen sùan gern
What’s leftover from eating, I keep as a surplus
jà nam ngern sà-sŏm .. rák-săa duang dtaa
I’ll use the saving . . . to treat my eyes
hàak chăn bpen dtua taen kwaam mêut mít
If I’m a representative of the darkness
kŏr chót-chái chee-wít têe gèrt maa
I would like to reimburse the life that came unto me
pêua tót taen túk tâan têe mâyt-dta
to reimburse everyone who shows kindness
dûay nam paa sĭang playng sòo pôo fang
As well as tend to music for the listener
bpen bòt playng lôhk mêut láe kwaam măai
Its a song from the dark world and meaningful
jà gòo gông róng bpai mâi yùt yáng
I will sing out without ceasing
krai jà wâa róng playng hâi kwaai fang
Whoever will say, “You sing songs for the buffaloes to hear”
chăn wâa yang mee kon têe kâo jai
I say, There are still people who understand
krai jà wâa róng playng hâi kwaai fang
Whoever will say, “You sing songs for the buffaloes to hear”
chăn wâa yang mee kon têe kâo jai
I say, There are still people who understand
krai jà wâa róng playng hâi kwaai fang
Whoever will say, “You sing songs for the buffaloes to hear”
chăn wâa yang mee kon … têe kâo jai
I say, There are still people . . . who understand!
Traduction faite par Ann depuis le Carabao Fans Worldwide Facebook group
Site officiel du groupe Carabao : carabao.net